In a number of recent cases, criminals were found to have used sophisticated scams to commit crimes, particularly in Kathmandu.
It is not uncommon for registered diamond or gold dealers to target foreigners using sophisticated scams resulting in significant financial loss.
Now there are more sophisticated scams.
For its time, it was a very sophisticated corporate scam, and it was, at the time, mostly legal.
Readers will be baffled by the sophisticated scam, and delighted to find an appendix that teaches them how to replicate it.
Matt Allwright uncovers the secrets of sophisticated scams.
At the end of the last dinner I shared with Massey, the conversation turned to these more sophisticated scams.
New types of even more sophisticated scams seem to appear almost daily.
More sophisticated scams advertise jobs with real companies and offer lucrative salaries and conditions with the fraudsters pretending to be recruitment agents.
"This wasn't a very sophisticated scam," the official said.