But if I had mine," glancing at the cousins, "there should be no brambles of sordid realities in such a path as that.
For a moment she paused to listen to the faint song and the carefree singer who seemed far removed from the sordid reality of the squalid streets.
With the vista blocked, the tossing of the train threw her back to the sordid reality of the carriage.
They said the parades and celebration, coupled with the sanitized news reports, had failed to convey the sordid reality of war.
Fairy-tale or sordid reality?
As it stands, the narrative is too grounded in sordid reality for its arty narrative style.
Despite your best ef-forts to 'protect me' from the sordid realities, I have heard all the rumors about that assassination attempt on Cayleb, you know.
"Amongst policemen an apparently inappropriate levity was often a safety mechanism against the sordid reality of much of their work," he ponderously acknowledges.
Then the sordid reality of blood on hard unyielding earth, of pain and finally of death.
This is sordid reality.