Probably the sorest point with Mr. Power's critics is his unwillingness to release survey findings about the worst-rated cars.
The abuse, by the Family Compact, of clergy reserves and the income from them had been one of the sorest points for inciting the rebellions.
But the venture's sorest point may be the treatment of minority shareholders.
I trimmed as much as I could and contrived a sandal that would relieve pressure on the sorest point of that foot, putting another plate on his right hoof to balance him.
Fern had known exactly what target to aim for, a parent's sorest point, where self-blame and overwhelming responsibility have already left them vulnerable.
Meanwhile, the pitching, the sorest point in the sour start to last season, has been magnificent.
He twisted slightly, not to evade her seeking, kneading fingers but to guide them to the sorest points.
The US tends to row with Russia about Georgia; for Britain, the sorest point is - and will probably continue to be - the murder of Alexander Litvinenko.
Though the plan for dealing with the battle itself was making more sense, the business of Enterprise actually being at Augo was the sorest point for Jim at the moment.
For the first time in 20 years, the Government has signaled its willingness to address one of the sorest points in Indonesia's international relations: the status of East Timor.