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Often since that night I have sorrowed over those simple words.
His mother saw the changes in him instantly, and wondered why he sorrowed.
And for your wound she sorrowed much, not knowing, more than I who am simple, whether it would turn to life or death.
Pigeon was sorrowed by yet another rotten example of human nature.
I brooded over this and sorrowed for my dead companions.
"All in good health and fortune, child, save that they have sorrowed for you through the long years.
She was not surprised, though she sorrowed for that, too.
For that I have sorrowed many a time since."
Munson's sudden death was major news across the nation and especially sorrowed the baseball community.
He shook his head like a man who was infinitely sorrowed by the thought of conspiracy.
Willy Jones sorrowed terribly, and he went to the grave.
I'm sorrowed to see a woman perpetuating this silly prejudice.
Come, my dear, believe me, your husband is really dead, and you have sorrowed quite enough for a good-for-nothing fellow.
So, thus he sorrowed till it was day, and heard the fowls of the air sing.
Zoey had a natural gift for comforting me whenever I sorrowed.
Maggie sorrowed for her and sat up all night rocking Newt, who had a cough, when news of the death came.
Huon sorrowed to see the coming of more companions in misfortune.
They loved each other dearly, but sorrowed much that they had no children.
His mother probably sorrowed for him not as much as her husband, who was heart-broken.
I asked; for I would learn if she sorrowed o'er my memory.
That night, when all was still, White Fang remembered his mother and sorrowed for her.
Sadly, the white-haired noble looked below, as if the strife had sorrowed him.
Miss Julie, I am sorrowed to perceive your overwrought state.
Flung off, like an old coat, I sorrowed.
No doubt Marcus sorrowed more for tire result.