There are currently 875 O.C.R. machines distributed throughout the country at different sorting centers.
Special sorting centers would separate mixed items for recycling (similar to the postal service and freight companies).
THE building is an old postal sorting center.
It has 197 offices throughout the territory, 56 distribution centers in rural areas, two postal sorting centers, two centers of parcels, and a philatelic center.
The investment includes the consolidation of hub networks and the addition of seven regional sorting centers by the end of 2004.
It makes no sense to close Rockford, the most efficient sorting center in t..
The proposed capital budget, also to be released Monday, will include $167 million to buy new trucks and build new sorting centers.
The pilots fly packages overnight across the country, mainly from the company's huge sorting center at the airport here.
It will take months to install the new equipment at all of the postal system's 282 hangarlike sorting centers.
The Postal Service chose a more tried and true method in its cavernous, carpetless sorting centers - a 10 percent solution of bleach.