Nouah is considered to be one of the most sought-after actors in Nigeria.
Since his teen-age years, he has been a sought-after actor in Hollywood and viewed as a performer with an unusually broad acting range.
He was such a sought-after actor, he often worked on two pictures at the same time.
He is also a very sought-after voice-over actor.
Since then, Walken has become a highly sought-after actor, typically performing in numerous films every year.
Hurt is one of Britain's best-known, most prolific and sought-after actors, and has had a versatile film career spanning six decades.
Yong moved into television shortly after he graduated and has since become one of the most sought-after actors in Chinese television.
And now he is a sought-after actor.
Now he is one of the most sought-after actor in Kannada cinemas.
He was now an important singer - one of the most important - and an accomplished and sought-after actor.