The brothers were responsible for developing some of the most sought-after addresses in Manhattan of the time.
IN Westchester, where the name of one's town may elicit an approving smile or merely cool acknowledgment, Mount Vernon has not always been the most sought-after address.
During its prime, Ponte City was one of the city's most sought-after addresses, but with inner-city urban decay setting in, it has become run-down, over-populated, and unsafe.
Croydon features many of the inner west's most sought-after addresses due to its grand homes, larger blocks and family friendly streetscapes.
The sociological problems that later befell those American public housing estates were used decades later to discredit their inspirer, though his own Unités d'Habitation in Europe are still sought-after addresses.
Domains such as and were among the most sought-after addresses on offer in the latest auction by Nominet, which runs Britain's web infrastructure.
It is a much sought-after residential and commercial address in the Klang Valley.
Portland became the sought-after new address for thousands of upwardly mobile young professionals.
Conceived and planned as a garden community similar to Baltimore's Roland Park, Shaker Village soon became Cleveland's most sought-after address.
Described as "handsome [and] well planned", the project was initially a sought-after address and a route to success.