As long as you don't believe the soul becomes trapped in the vampire's body and can never reach Heaven.
Later in the evening, the bodies were lowered into the pit with three kettles that helped the souls reach the after life.
Our cares were scattered, petty troubles vanished, the soul reached its peak.
As his deep voice talked on, my soul grew impatient with my body, and reached beyond it, seeking a god above the gods.
Northern soul reached the peak of its popularity in the mid to late 1970s.
Jeongjo thought his father's soul couldn't reach heaven and was wandering in the Hades.
The soul can only reach felicity again when it is united with the celestial part, which has remained in heaven.
When your soul reaches hell, you will be able to tell everyone who killed you.
My soul will reach the goal for which it was created.
My mortal brain and grimy soul didn't reach to it.