Bradwarden took up his pipes then, following the meal with a mournful, soulful tune that conjured in Avelyn images of the rolling hills, the wheatfields, and grapevines of Youmaneff.
Get the "Rhythm and Bliss" CD, $9.50, with the kind of slow, soulful tunes they play at the actual spa.
He did this for many days, and finally one day heard a reply to his soulful tunes.
The last selection was a soulful tune by the group War, Don't Let No One Get You Down.
On the stage far away, a pianist performed by himself, his soulful tune making Oscar sway in sympathy.
The pentatonic tunes, lively or soulful, were no doubt home-grown, as were the nasal sonorities and the sudden changes of rhythm.
From the best of CD, a soulful tune from Blue Mink - Can You Feel It Baby...
Second on stage, Ms. Monte crooned two soulful tunes.
His fingers began to move across the strings again, and this time the opening notes of the tune seemed a bit more sprightly than the soulful tune that he'd played earlier.
Heat gave the song four stars out of five, calling it a "soulful tune".