The sound they made was a huge, amplified CHUNK!
The only sounds were their footsteps, picked up by external suit mikes and amplified into their helmets.
But someone whose hearing is impaired generally needs high-frequency sounds amplified more than low-frequency sounds.
As she crossed the room, Anna heard the sound of her bare feet amplified enormously, so that the patter seemed to fill the whole room.
At last the sound was recognizable as human voices, stripped of euphonics and amplified staggeringly.
His senses seemed heightened, every sound and smell amplified almost beyond bearing.
The booming sound of his voice amplified the pain in his head.
Then they played a piece together, his tiny sound magically amplified to match hers, and it was a truly enjoyable experience.
He begins the piece with strings entering quietly; the sound and rhythmic intensity amplify steadily.
The valleys screamed all around them, whined-the sound like fingernails on a chalk board amplified billions of times.