Under the assault of the new admissions, gospel-influenced pop-soul singers - crooning their love ballads, repressing their animal instincts - have sounded absolutely archaic.
Even the remark about automatically managed memory makes it sound more archaic than it is, because Cocoa has reference counting, which *is* a form of automatically managed memory.
Mr. Perkins and Mr. Lewis's music sounded increasingly archaic.
These beliefs may sound faintly archaic in the telling today.
It even defines by its absence: popular music without the blues impulse or tonality sounds archaic and limited in expression.
If the subjunctive is used in accordance with the rules mentioned in this article, it is still considered grammatically correct, but often sounds archaic or formal.
She yawned again, stretched lithely, and without any show of fear or surprize, shifted to a language he did understand, a dialect of Yuetshi which sounded strangely archaic.
In some cases, a postponed subject can be used to sound formal or archaic.
I know ulcers must sound silly and archaic.
Which in another four years, never mind four centuries, is going to sound incredibly archaic itself.