Despite all the sound bytes and interviews the couple gave saying the contrary, it seemed like their marriage was on rocky ground before the rings were even warm.
An interesting note is that Reardon actually uses sound bytes from the movie in these two previous scenes.
There appear to be screenplays and sound bytes available, and a number of archivists have attempted to preserve the work.
Today the data base may include not only text but also photos, video clips and sound bytes.
According to one report "Sevugan's sound bytes were often pithy, biting and memorable."
A web portal will be published in Summer 2013 providing biographies, sound bytes and the details of the charitable impact of project participants.
In this game, one listens to a recording of a song, and attempts to assemble it with sound bytes of each player's parts.
Refuse and avoid any sound bytes and one-on-ones.
The remaining 185 minutes use all 260 combinations of sound bytes, indicating a highly structured communiqué.
It's about sound bytes that have been thoroughly tested with focus groups to maximize one's constituencies in certain swing states.