Blevins (2007) proposes the following sound correspondences:
Once potential cognate lists are established, the next step is to determine the regular sound correspondences they exhibit.
The Neogrammarians did not, however, regard regular sound correspondences or comparative reconstructions as relevant to the proof of genetic relationship between languages.
The Germanic "sound laws", combined with regular changes reconstructed for other Indo-European languages, allow one to define the expected sound correspondences between different branches of the family.
Some notable sound correspondences are:
There are numerous regular sound correspondences between Hungarian and the other Ugric languages.
An essential sound correspondence is the lateral fricative.
A few regular sound correspondences are apparent (Baron 1983:21 ff):
The inclusion of Na-Dené (here understood to include Haida) is only preliminary, as the work on the regular sound correspondences has not been completed yet.
Below are some Penutian sound correspondences given by Lyle Campbell.