Perhaps that sounds crass, the notion they are buying whatever support they need.
The idea of making money from the attacks sounds so crass that few lobbyists are willing to talk about it openly.
It sounded crass, but I was only trying to say something after what you said.
I don't mean to sound crass, but her and me have a difference of opinion with regard to that.
While it may sound crass to consider them, every voluntary endeavor needs incentives for excellence.
I don't want to sound crass, but the world turns, and we have to turn with it.
I don't want to sound crass, but Priscilla here is zoned commercial.
I know it sounds crass, putting a price on something we should consider a miracle.
I pressed the point, trying not to sound crass.
"I don't want to sound crass, but there is already reason to stand tight with your numbers."