If this sounds too daunting, or you're interested in a custom design, you can certainly work with a flooring professional.
If it sounds obscure and daunting, it most certainly is not.
The calculations may sound daunting, but help is available.
It might sound daunting, but this is the sort of challenge that pulls us together and makes our team so strong.
If this sounds daunting to you, or as though it might be unpalatable to your children, don't worry.
That may sound a little daunting, but it is quite a natural possibility, known to the mathematician as a Hilbert space.
The ingredients can sound daunting but you can find anything online these days.
In case any of this sounds daunting, one should add that there is nothing very difficult about his wordplay.
I'd totally be reading along (and if it didn't sound so daunting to do both, I would).
If that sounds too daunting, the views of the falls from up on the rim aren't so bad either.