Such talk sounds fanciful until he recalls the example of the Spanish civil war, when 30,000 foreign volunteers went to fight for the republic.
Harry's words might have sounded fanciful to any but Carter Boswick.
It may sound rather fanciful to our western world, but many such ancient ideas are associated in some way with established scientific fact.
I know that stuff sounds a bit fanciful but no more fanciful than the tech we use today may have sounded a few decades ago.
This may sound fanciful, but believe me, it is true.
Frozen and prepared meals might sound fanciful, but some providers argue that they are the most efficient use of the products they get.
This may sound fanciful, but doesn't a mood of mystical suspense run through Hopper's work?
"That sounds fanciful, but I really believe it's true."
If all this sounds fanciful, remember that what has actually happened seems equally so.
This distinction sounds a little fanciful to me.