Mr. Tiu worked hard to bring profile to the music while allowing the lyrical grace and impetuosity of his partner's playing to sound forth.
The tempos, overall, are slightly held back, allowing for wondrous details to sound forth.
But when he opened his mouth the first line sallied forth sounding like a mouse being squeezed to death by a king snake.
It sounds forth with a fullness and clarity that belies the speaker's size.
After some clattering and high-pitched voices whizzing by our aged guide sounded forth.
'Hey,' Chic said, and heard it sound forth proudly.
This enables television sets of relatively modest size to sound forth with sonorities normally heard only from large high-fidelity loudspeakers.
Gruu raised his head also and sounded forth a roar as if he added to her words.
As she flew, her throat poured forth sounds full of grief, and like the voice of one lamenting.
Even as a teen-ager, I would have the classics on the shelf - ready to sound forth at the drop of a needle.