Cloning may sound frivolous, but "somatic cell nuclear transfer - now that sounds like you are doing serious scientific work."
And if the dance sounds frivolous, the moment actually is not: its sense of liberation mirrors Lily's own release.
If you think any of this sounds frivolous or as if I don't care about Elena, that just shows how wrong you are.
It would all sound narcissistically frivolous were it not so earnest.
She had told friends she was at a meeting because she thought joining a writing workshop sounded frivolous.
We get all kinds of calls in our office, and there is a lot of discrimination, and they don't sound very frivolous.
I know it sounds awfully frivolous but that's how I did it!
Mr. LaPalombara's second observation may sound frivolous: once again there is more here than meets the eye.
They sounded strangely frivolous, as if he were on a vacation, writing back wish-you-were-here post-cards.
Bringing sandals to remote villages may sound frivolous.