President Clinton's ambitions sound less grandiose than Dole's, but they divert us even further from the realities.
Suddenly second best didn't sound so grandiose.
That sounded grandiose, he knew, but it made sense.
I don't want to sound too grandiose and say, 'I'm here on behalf of the planet.'
Such words might sound grandiose when applied to other modern artists.
That may sound grandiose, but I think it's possible.
Yes, it does sound grandiose when put in that ape-chatter man calls language.
The company's statements of purpose can sound pie-eyed or grandiose.
Although this might sound grandiose, nothing will make me happier than seeing all children around the world lead joyous lives.
The words may sound grandiose to ears that are not French, but perhaps that's the idea.