I settled for "career-minded," but the recommended gifts all sounded too impersonal, so I gave up.
The intercom flattened the voice, made it sound impersonal; un- touched.
To some people, 'stepmom' sounds cold and impersonal.
This confession does not address God and therefore sounds very impersonal.
Her voice sounded impersonal, as if she were reading from some medical tome.
She sounds efficient but impersonal, as though she's chief of staff there, not the lady of the house.
His voice grew harsher; but it still sounded impersonal, as if his ire were calculated rather than real.
"You know what there is in the house," she said, so coldly, it sounded impersonal.
At first they report hearing speech that sounds mechanical and impersonal, he said.
His word of thanks sounded completely impersonal.