This is in contrast with laboratory experiments, which have failed to show that ultrasonic frequencies are audible to human observers; however in some cases ultrasonic sounds do interact with and modulate the audible part of the frequency spectrum (intermodulation distortion).
His expert understanding of the way the sound of each instrument interacts with each other (demonstrated in his Treatise on Instrumentation) was attested to by the critic Louis Engel, who mentions how Berlioz once noticed, amidst an orchestral tutti, a minute pitch difference between two clarinets.
This enterprising chamber music series, in its 85th season, offers concerts in an open-sided barn where the sounds of nature and the music of man interact freely.
It is an excellent approximation, however, when the wavelength is very small compared with the size of structures with which the sound interacts.
This happens when the two sounds interact causing new sound, which can be more audible than the original signal.
The sounds interact in many ways depending on the difference in frequency between the two sounds.
In the final film score the boundaries between music and sound were blurred, as natural sounds and music interact to the point were they are indistinguishable.
Although the way in which sound interacts with its surroundings is often extremely complex, there are a few ideal sound wave behaviors that are fundamental to understanding acoustical design.
This enterprising series, founded by the novelist and poet Hervey White in 1916, offers concerts in an open-sided barn where the sounds of nature and music interact.