I know it sounds so macho, but an increasing number of women are getting into it.
The Redolence company marketed it under the name of Citre, which didn't mean anything but sounded macho.
Bubba tried to sound macho and confident, but inside he was Jell-O.
For a moment, Ms. Cook sounds downright macho.
I know it sounds a little macho but this was what they wanted.
I didn't give him an answer to that: I didn't have one that wouldn't sound frightened or stupidly macho.
That makes sense as a tactic, but it doesn't sound macho enough for the Pure Nationals.
You know, without sounding too macho, a man likes to give his family the best.
"Sounds very macho to me," she said, leaning closer.
"He's just trying to sound macho," she explained.