Durwin's voice sounded empty and metallic as it reverberated through the dark space before them.
Carefully, I walked across the blackened hull, and my footsteps sounded booming and metallic.
Then there was a loud noise, and it sounded metallic, as if something were banging up against the ship.
"The injured technician was the only casualty," Cyrill said, his voice sounding metallic.
Arkiakas said smoothly, his voice sounding strangely metallic coming from the depths of the dragonhelm.
The debris was tiny and sounded metallic.
Oliver asked, his voice sounding metallic in the earphones.
Her own voice sounded harsh and metallic inside the spacesuit helmet.
"No," he said, and his voice sounded metallic in his own ears.
And Pops' voice had sounded too dead and metallic.