"I don't want to sound presumptuous," he said.
It may sound presumptuous, but the future of ballet depends on the rise of new choreographers to further its development.
Do not say that, it sounds so presumptuous.
Forgive me if I sound presumptuous, but I'm not interested in any sort of romance.
I suppose I get spiritual value from it, if that doesn't sound presumptuous.
I know this might sound presumptuous to you, but at times I feel that we've become immortal.
This may sound presumptuous, but in matters of art restoration, Italians don't need foreign assistance; foreigners come to us to study how it is done.
I asked, hoping I didn't sound too presumptuous or naive.
"That may sound presumptuous but that's what we're striving to do."
That may sound presumptuous, too aggressive for some, too optimistic for others.