The sound of the album reflects Murphey's love of folk, country, and blues music.
Every sound reflected a thousand times off the glass, aluminum, and stone towers of the central business district.
The rawer sound of the group's second album, Radio Ethiopia, reflected this.
His sound, it is said, "reflects what was happening in swing from the 30's to the 50's on 52d Street."
"The question will be which sound reflects the sound of the Baltimore Symphony."
The imagery and psychedelic sounds reflect the period in which the full feature animation was produced.
The sound of his breathing reflected against her face and he listened to the manner in which exposed eyes dominated her other features.
The former sound would reflect the full Tlingit name, the latter the English adaptation.
The group's folk-rock sound reflects the slow maturation of its relationships.
The album's somewhat tinny sound reflects the low recording budget.