A small plane was coming in, the buzz of its engine sounding rough.
That his voice sounded hoarse and rough could, depending upon one's point of view, be seen as appropriate to the role.
I wouldn't want to know them, thank you very much, because they sound a bit too rough for my liking.
"Naomi here," came a voice that sounded rough, as if the owner might have been shouting.
"Of course, sir," she managed, her voice sounded rough, as if a cold were coming on.
Her voice sounded rough, as if the time in the coffin had damaged it.
The hot-dog seller was being quite good with her; he didn't sound too aggressive or rough.
It sounded rough, often broken by a gasp or a curse.
"Nothing's going to happen," he said in a voice that sounded rough to his own ears.
My voice sounded rough, not like me at all.