One technique is to send only the difference from one sound sample to the next.
This hobby is an inspiration on his work, as well as a source of natural sound samples.
"Release Me" contains sound samples from the 1996 film Independence Day.
Amazing game but for the love of everything that is Contra, why on earth did they use those horrible sound samples?
As the thimbles are touched together, the laptop in turn plays a different sound sample.
Its primary use is the composition of music using sound samples, soft synths, and effects plug-ins.
May contain links to 30-second sound samples of some audio files.
It provided a substantial part of the sound samples used by Paul Hardcastle in his 1985 track "19".
He combines music with atmospheric sound samples and social commentary, often inviting listeners to participate on the air.
"Unite" starts with an intro that contains industrial music elements and bizarre sound samples.