Simultaneously there sounded a hum like that of an angry bee, ending in a sharp thud.
Chime whistle - two or more resonant bells or chambers that sound simultaneously.
A chord in music is any harmonic set of three or more notes that is heard as if sounding simultaneously.
Yet the first in this new Radio 4 series cleverly managed to sound simultaneously knowing and naïf.
When it comes to its characters' regal heritage, the film manages to sound simultaneously caring, sensitive and power-mad.
This assertion rests on the fact that undertones do not sound simultaneously with its fundamental tone as the overtone series does.
He yanked it open, knowing as he did so that an alarm sounded simultaneously on the control decks above.
An important sound card characteristic is polyphony, which refers to its ability to process and output multiple independent voices or sounds simultaneously.
It sounded simultaneously with a sharp, dying scream.
A sudden percussive stroke simultaneously sounded in all three groups.