But this sounded too surly, so he added, "I play the piano a bit.
He sounded surly but, at the same time, vaguely apologetic.
He sounded surly, but underneath grateful to let the matter go at that.
"Don't have much work to do, sir," Sharpe said, wishing he did not sound so surly.
"Yes, sir," she said, trying not to sound surly.
You tell me, I said, trying hard not to sound surly.
She sounded surly and subdued, and I had no reason to doubt her.
I don't mean to sound surly about this, but any information I have belongs to my current employer and that's confidential.
"Most of the announcers sound either unctuous or surly," he said.
"Touching the plate won't do me any good," I said, trying to sound surly and resentful instead of filled with satisfaction.