The thought of being able to come back to America made me happy, but really it sounded completely unbelievable.
If you were to describe Henry to someone who had never met him, he would sound unbelievable.
Though it may sound unbelievable, she actually had mastered the entire Morse code in a night.
Aside from that, it's going to sound unbelievable, but things are equal.
But that sounded too strange and unbelievable, so he didn't.
It may sound unbelievable that this can happen in America.
It goes a long ways back and some of it sounds almost unbelievable, but I wish you would believe me, for every word is true.
What he has to say will sound unbelievable, but it's true.
It may sound unbelievable, but we are such a good match.
"Sounds unbelievable when somebody else tells it," Austin said, with a shake of his head.