The Arachnia chittered something in his native tongue that sounded uncomfortably like annoyance.
After years of keeping the lads busy, with 'make-work' assignments, the idea of just doing nothing sounded uncomfortably like being dead.
It was starting to sound uncomfortably like a project relationship, but if there was anyone who wouldn't submit to that kind of thing, it was Richard.
"Ekkava-that sounds uncomfortably like a Klingon ship," he said.
"Serena, you sound uncomfortably like your father."
He talks vaguely about setting up a "third republic," which sounds uncomfortably like the Third Reich.
Even for someone trained to fly a starship between systems, they sounded uncomfortably like the future.
And sometimes Drew sounded uncomfortably like a nagging conscience.
"So far it sounds uncomfortably like us Terries."
He waited, trying to stifle what sounded uncomfortably like deranged giggling.