"Such a role may sound utopian, but it is pretty much the way the Japanese labor union functions," Mr. Drucker wrote.
This may sound utopian, but it has been borne out by the experience of existing telecottages.
Then Churchill commented, "It sounds utopian.
Spyder admitted that it sounded almost utopian and was really no different than the way the Æthereal did things.
It sounds very utopian, but it's not about a perfect place, but maybe some of these things we're doing, they need to come to an end.
That kind of help might sound utopian, at least in the United States.
If that sounds utopian, many think fuel cells are ill-suited to power cars.
As he puts it: "Those of us who call for the repudiation of massive violence to solve human problems must sound utopian, romantic.
This goal may not sound too utopian, at least in some parts of the world.
If it sounds creatively utopian and artistically perverse (great art is rarely made by committee), it is.