The Asian soup noodle is a large portion of long noodles served in a bowl of broth.
There were years that Sakaziro was running a Japanese movie theatre where the villagers came and watched old Japanese movies while eating hot soup noodles and sharing laughter.
And Kitsune udon arrived stocked with fat soup noodles and slices of fried tofu.
T Map The chef at Haozhan used to work at the glitzy Hakkasan, ensuring a refreshingly modern take on traditional soup noodles and other Cantonese classics.
Even if they don't immediately register as typical ramen, they are very good soup noodles.
Many of the dishes combine pork, beef, chicken and shrimp in small crisp noodles or soup noodles.
Depending on shape and texture, they might be called Shanghai noodles, Hong Kong noodles, soup noodles or lo mein.
I Map This upbeat, very yellow restaurant is an excellent place to come for pho (soup noodles, usually with beef) and shrimp noodles.
Ms. Li, after eating at the house of Mr. Kan's grandmother in Shanghai, decided that New York needed more from Shanghai than soup noodles.
"I bet those little soup noodles looked like worms," Grandma said.