Chess skidded to a halt, soupy mud sheeting from his feet.
The standards are critical because off-shore dumping remains the most viable way to dispose of dredge material, the soupy mud scooped off the sea floor to keep shipping channels open.
The road from D'Sley to Sindi, which had been reduced to so much soupy mud by Boman foot traffic, had changed.
For 80 years, all of the soupy mud dredged from the harbor was routinely dumped off the coast of New Jersey.
For 80 years, the soupy mud was just a nuisance here, but now it threatens the dominance of this East Coast seaport.
Because of the earlier rainstorm, sections of the trail, cut on private land, were soupy mud.
The dreamscape was lit by a yellow flame, and there was a suck suck sound as the creature, advancing on her, pulled his hooves in and out of soupy mud.
Then, like all good messengers in ballads, he collapsed and slid to the soupy mud and cowpies in a dead faint.
It has been suggested that these bivalves were able to swim freely and thus able to avoid the soupy mud on the sea floor.
He bumped around the jag that was Ridge Road and swerved north again on Forest Drive, splashing out soupy mud.