A sour-faced old man was seated in a Morris chair, reading a newspaper.
The splendid Patriarch, a sour-faced man with a slight squint, gave me his especial blessing.
Vic saw two sour-faced men standing at the side of the sedan.
Beside her was a lean, short, sour-faced man wearing a shabby pseudoleather jacket of jet black.
A sour-faced old man was sweeping the central aisle lackadaisically when I came in.
He was a little, sour-faced man, and in my opinion didn't think of Richard any more than he thought of the rest of us actors.
They were greeted by a sour-faced bearded man behind the counter who regarded them as an intrusion on his privacy.
The sour-faced man seemed to want something more, so Bran added, "I was expecting word from my aunt.
"We're trying to do something about that right now," the sour-faced man said.
One was a sour-faced man, skinny, and not looking the part of a warrior.