Many sources point to his new marriage as the source of his death.
In 1993, Lindenhof celebrated 300 years of existence, even though various sources point to a greater age.
Some sources point to limited use of the K-14, intended as high-altitude heavy fighter.
Still other sources point to a combination of both legends.
However, all sources clearly point to one conclusion: we're in a snake-pit.
Other sources (villagers) point back to the 14th century.
Although medieval sources point to the eagle-stone, the identification is not certain.
It is not known precisely when Bach composed the work, but the available sources point to the period between 1706 and 1713.
The multiple sources of Paine's political theory all pointed to a society based on the common good and individualism.
Though some sources point to the event as having 5,000 participants and eventually grew to 10,000.