They both work best with a southeasterly or southwesterly wind.
Before long we smelled them, a profoundly nasty and foul odor drifting toward us on a southeasterly wind.
Upon leaving Manhattan, the boat struggled to get on track while beating to windward for a week in strong southeasterly winds.
Occasionally, southeasterly winds can cause very high temperatures.
From May to October southeasterly winds are cooler and more gentle.
Fleeing ships entangled and became easy victims, as the southeasterly wind drove them towards their attackers.
For some unexplained reason, the prevailing southeasterly winds were blowing with unusually strong force, more than 110 miles an hour.
In the summer, southeasterly winds bring weather fronts harbouring extensive amounts of moisture.
The day was incredibly cool and sweet, the clouds meandering before a fine southeasterly wind.
Waves here are best at low tide with a southeasterly wind.