The southeastern quarter of the city centre, site of an ancient friary, was mostly developed in the 18th century and became known as New Town.
They landed in the southeast of the country and took the southeastern quarter from the Érainn.
It is a southeastern quarter of Patan, to the southeast of Kathmandu.
Dozens of others were given oxygen by paramedics, who rushed to Wellston from communities around the rural southeastern quarter of Ohio.
This area includes much of the southeastern quarter of the city.
Oman is located in the southeastern quarter of the Arabian Peninsula and covers a total land area of 309,500 square kilometers.
This takes in the southeastern quarter of the developed portions of the city on the southwestern neck of Aquidneck Island.
They had Neukelin, in the southeastern quarter of the city, easily Berlin's most populous district, with more than three hundred thousand mostly working-class inhabitants.
Mount Pulaski is located in the southeastern quarter of Logan County.
On 23 August 1890, a huge fire destroyed the southeastern quarters of Thessaloniki.