According to Mr. Burke, the partnership sold the southerly portion of the site to the Postal Service in 1986, which built a modernistic new garage-repair shop there in 1987.
The rival British claimants called the more southerly portion of this disputed area the Columbia District, which they derived from the river-name chosen by Gray.
The Canadian National and Ottawa Central Railway still occupy the southerly portion of the freight yard.
It primarily occurs to the north and east of the Betsiboka River, and the southerly portion of the range extends to Ambato-Boéni.
Some of the forest zone's most southerly portion, especially around the Niger River and Cross River deltas, is mangrove swamp (see Central African mangroves).
The further inland and the more southerly portions have a more Mediterranean climate that is more similar to the climate of the Willamette Valley.
LA 3257 was formerly the southerly portion of LA 301, although it is unclear whether both sections were ever connected.
The southerly surveyed portion is now Westgarth.
This forest zone's most southerly portion is defined as salt water swamp, also known as a mangrove swamp because of the large amount of mangroves in the area.
On the more southerly portions of the aqueduct, crime is a major problem.