He was the third person to be killed in the last month in southern Egypt after aiding the authorities.
Foreigners traveling in southern Egypt, where most of the violence has taken place, are escorted by police vehicles.
In the battle's aftermath, most of southern and central Egypt fell to Amr's forces.
It is a part of the modern city of Aswan, in southern Egypt.
In central and southern Egypt several years may pass without any significant rain.
The heat of southern Egypt in summer is fierce, and there is almost no relief from one day to another.
The morale of the security forces, especially in southern Egypt, is bad.
But a harsh Government crackdown has confined the group's operations to southern Egypt.
Shoshenq also gained control of southern Egypt by placing his family members in important priestly positions.
Four of the seven men had just finished high school, had grown up together and came from a small village in southern Egypt.