It was established in 1989, fully institutionalized by 1996 and which eventually became the ruling government in southern Mindanao.
Its presence in southern Mindanao is uncertain.
The large loss of life from the typhoon is believed to be related to the lack of tropical cyclone experience for residents in southern Mindanao.
It is a Metropolitan See in southern Mindanao.
The hegelung is a wooden 2-stringed lute played by the Tboli, an animist ethnolinguistic group of southern Mindanao in the Philippines.
Much of the surrounding region has not been explored for Nepenthes, therefore this species may yet be found in other parts of southern Mindanao.
(Iranun is another indigenous tribe of southern mindanao.)
Two days later, she departed Zamboanga in company with TU 78.2.15 for the landing at Pollac harbor on southern Mindanao.
His supernatural abilities is similar to olden esoteric arts called kamal or ilmu which was practiced by the early Muslim aristocrat in southern Mindanao.
Fifty-seven schools and sixteen other houses dot 1,500 miles from northern Luzon to southern Mindanao.