His return route across the southern Sierra was via Walker Pass, named after Walker by John Charles Fremont.
Beyond rose the hills of the southern Sierra, the last barricade before Andalucia.
It is endemic to California, where it is known only from the southern High Sierra, particularly around Mineral King in Sequoia National Forest.
It rises just southwest of Tulainyo Lake, one of the highest and largest of the high alpine lakes of the southern Sierra.
Following his wife's death in 1919, he climbed extensively in the Kings-Kern Divide region of the southern Sierra.
The southern Sierra will intercept most of the precipitation as a Pacific Storms begin to impact the region Friday into Saturday.
Hume Lake owes its existence to the loggers who sought to exploit the rich timber resources throughout the southern Sierras.
The Cerro de Arcos (English: Hill of arches) is a windswept rock formation in the high paramo of the Ecuadorian southern sierra.
And finally the largest group came from the southern Andalusian sierras, this type of dogs were the largest and strongest since were mainly used for herding.
Before we crossed, Peregrine had surveyed the ranges from Alaska to the southern Sierras.