Then he reached the highest ridge of the southern escarpment and realized that the pirate must have taken cover.
Instead it had a breathtaking view over the forest to where the southern escarpment dipped away into infinite blue distances.
Ava is located in the southern portion of the Missouri Ozarks within the southern escarpment of the Salem Plateau.
The typical southern escarpment of the North Downs is found here, and produces dramatic views over the Low Weald.
Eventually they rounded the Geneva Spur, and got back on the bench under the southern escarpment.
Wells lies at the foot of the southern escarpment of the Mendip Hills where they meet the Somerset Levels.
These are complemented underground by a large number of caves, including Wookey Hole, both beneath the plateau and at the base of the southern escarpment.
The path now climbs the southern escarpment of the Mendips, before descending by way of Batcombe Hollow to Draycott.
It is also possible to walk to Blackdown from Lurgashall, although this means walking up the steep southern escarpment.
This is a nationally important botanical site, for both vascular and non-vascular plants, situated on the southern escarpment of the Mendip Hills.