A broad bay window looked out over the huge southern prong of Rutland Water.
The southern prong, led by MacArthur and with larger land forces, would take the Solomons, New Guinea, the Bismarck Archipelago, advancing toward the Philippines.
On October 23, the southern prong secured Hazel Green and the northern prong West Liberty.
The southwestern part ends in a fork: the northern prong ends in Fries, Virginia, and the southern prong ends in Galax, Virginia.
Once the two southern prongs were well engaged, it was planned that a third force, comprising formations drawn from Iraq Command, would attack Syria from Iraq.
On the other side of the reservoir's broad southern prong he could see the Berrybut Spinney time-share estate sitting on the slope directly opposite the farmhouse.
The bedroom overlooked the reservoir's southern prong, a long dark stretch of water with its wavelets and gently writhing curlicues of mist.
In response, the southern prong, commanded by Daxi Wu (達奚武), also withdrew.
Redoubt A, Redoubt B, and Redoubt C were built on a straight line between the beach road and the southern prong of the lake.
With the northern prong accounted for, the askari companies were shuttled by rail to Tanga to assist in opposing the southern prong.