Canaan Valley and surrounding areas were strongly impacted by the southward advance of glaciers some 75,000 years ago.
First King ofShannara 245 All that day, Raybur's army fought to slow the southward advance.
During the southward advance the Japanese encountered three Chinese army divisions that were pushed aside but not crushed; they retreated into the eastern mountains.
Suharto participated in a battle at Kendal where Division III successfully halted a southward advance by the Dutch brigade.
This was a movement from south to north, contrary to the expectation of a southward advance.
The Japanese thus felt obliged to strengthen their own position further south, and embarked on a southward advance into French Indochina.
The Third Army was to continue a southward advance to the Seine and the other armies to carry on under the previous order of September 2.
The southward advance moved slowly as the bridges had been destroyed, and the unit reached the northern outskirts of Balikpapan City on the night of 25 January.
All that day, Raybur's army fought to slow the southward advance.