There are no old people on the southward migration - nobody over seventy or so in our years.
The southward migration slacked off after 1890, as Canadian industry began a growth spurt.
Free trade laws, though, make it hard to do much to stop the southward migration of waste.
After a southward migration and many battles, part of the sept eventually settles in Munster.
The southward migration of the Owus was a direct result of both tribal and ethnic conflicts.
By 1988, the station was completely abandoned when the southward migration of the Oregon Inlet threatened to swallow it.
Peak season for the southward migration in Oregon is mid-December through late January.
Their death rate is therefore lower than that of the females both on the southward migration, and in resident populations.
Their appearance in a southward migration signals the coming of Winter.
The southward migration of the thunder-lizards has been rough on the farmers, who have been losing both fields and livestock.