I worked hard in the 111th Congress to forge agreement on a new wilderness bill for southwest Colorado's San Juan Mountains.
The station, which serves the Four Corners region of southwest Colorado, operated as 205-watt facility since going on the air in the early 1980s.
This park in southwest Colorado crams nearly 200 ice climbs in a milelong gorge.
Uranium mining in southwest Colorado goes back to 1898.
Juanita is a ghost town in Archuleta County in southwest Colorado.
Lavender felt compelled to document his experiences in rugged southwest Colorado to preserve this rapidly disappearing way of life.
Among the leaders in the fight against the water diversion project here in southwest Colorado, in fact, have been the kayak and raft operators.
He now guides independently and is based in southwest Colorado, near Ridgway, Colorado.
Much of his work involved prehistoric Indian settlements in southwest Colorado.
The Lizard Head Wilderness is a wilderness area in southwest Colorado.