"This has hit everyone, from the caleche drivers to the souvenir sellers."
But to a souvenir seller named Salvatore, the problem with the 70-year-old feast is the feast itself.
Butchers initially occupied the shops; the present tenants are jewellers, art dealers and souvenir sellers.
At Petra, souvenir sellers greeted the Israelis in Hebrew as "cousins."
There were taxi drivers, massage ladies, wood carvers and souvenir sellers.
It features large department stores as well as restaurants, souvenir sellers, general retail establishments, and street vendors.
Calle Heredia is lined day and night with artisans and souvenir sellers.
The street was still crowded with late-arriving fans, souvenir sellers, and ticket scalpers.
It's a place of pilgrimage, a seasonal gift to souvenir sellers.
People here, from law enforcement officials to souvenir sellers, are expressing only modest anxiety over further terrorism, and confidence that the beefed-up security will be adequate.