Once designated, Biosphere Reserves remain under the sovereign jurisdiction of the countries where they are located.
It has also been construed to mean something like "all under the sovereign jurisdiction and authority of the United States."
According to Federal constitutional law, the state and the Federal government are distinct "sovereign" jurisdictions that can each bring charges in a case.
Magee explained to him that there were actually three sovereign, independent jurisdictions.
They have no sovereign jurisdiction of their own, although some have authority to enact and enforce municipal ordinances.
It classified digital currencies and other digital payment systems such as Bitcoin as "virtual currencies" because they are not legal tender under any sovereign jurisdiction.
With few exceptions, all development activities are subject to regulation throughout the world's sovereign jurisdictions.
However, to date these proprietary communities have only existed within the framework of a larger nation-state-not as fully generalized independent sovereign jurisdictions.
At Philadelphia, he repeatedly argued that the states should not be treated as sovereign jurisdictions.
The relationship between the people and their dead is an internal relationship, to be understood as under the sovereign jurisdiction of the tribe.