You'll find it in eggs, soy-based foods, pork chops, cauliflower, and liver.
You can increase your body's overall estrogen supply naturally by eating flaxseed (two or three tablespoons a day) and more soy-based foods, including tofu, soy milk, soybeans and soy nuts.
Increase your intake of soy-based foods.
The risk may also be lowered when soy-based foods are a regular part of the diet.
It is likely that Hishio, and other fermented soy-based foods, were introduced to Japan at the same time as Buddhism in the 6th century AD.
A review of 22 clinical studies concluded that eating soy-based foods has only minimal impact on cholesterol and other heart-disease risk factors.
The soy-based food is even worse.
Soy products, such as tofu, soy burgers, and other soy-based foods, are nutritious plant-based sources of protein.
Keith H. Steinkraus (1918-2007) was an American food scientist who was well known in food fermentation which led to the growth of soy-based foods.
Neither dried beans nor soy-based foods, which are known to lower cholesterol, were important items in the men's diets.